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Abbott Trustee Minutes 04/15/2008
 Board Meeting Minutes 15 Apr 2008
Members Present: Rhonda Gurney, Lisa Bozogan, Faith Webb, Steve Fair, Xan Gallup, Lois
Gallup, Barbara Chalmers and John Walden, Library Director, Alternates: Lisa
Meehan, Terri Jillson White.
Members Absent: None
Meeting Attendees: Mary Epremian, Bruce Jennings, Jean Wilson
From: Barbara Chalmers

On the above date, those noted above met at the Library. The following is a brief summary of the
discussion that took place:

Minutes of 18 March Trustee meeting and 12 April building tour were unanimously accepted.

1.1 Chair’s Report:
a. NH Trustee Conference: May 14. Rhonda, Barbara, John, Xan and Faith will attend.

b. Mailboxes: Rhonda noted each Trustee has a mailbox behind the door in the office.
Handouts for meetings will be in mailboxes the Friday before monthly meetings.

c. LSPA: Rhonda reported that she met with June Fichter, LSPA Exec. Director, for a
general discussion about library plans to build in the harbor. LSPA is supportive of the
idea and offered their shoreline protection expert, Assoc Exec Director Robert “Woody”
Wood, for consultation.

1.2 Director’s Report:

a. Finlay Challenge Grant: 4/15 Update: No update by John on details of grant
application. Action by John W

b. Monthly Circulation Data: 4/15 Update: March data is pending. Action by John
c. Portsmouth LEED LibraryTour: John reported on a tentative date of June 10.

d. John noted he will be attending the NH Library Assoc conference May 22 and will
report back on session about hi-performance buildings.

e. Friends: John reported that the Friends would like cross attendance at meetings. Betty
Tatlock will attend Trustee meetings and Lisa with Xan alternating will attend Friends
meetings (4 times a year- next meeting May 10 at 5:30 in Methodist Church).

f. DVD Policy: John report on a new 3 day / 2 item new DVD policy to help make them
more available. Everyone thought this was a good idea.

g. John reported after school library use by 4-6 graders has increased, but may be a
season change. Students come and go with no supervision outside and away from the
library. Rhonda will coordinate a parent notice through the school regarding this.
Action by Rhonda and John

h. Lisa B and John will work on an after school activity plan for middle school students.
Action by Lisa B and John

i. Summer Reading Program: John reported program theme is Australia. Wednesday
nights for K-5th grade and Monday nights for Middle Schoolers. Sign up to start June 2.

2.3 Treasurer’s Report
a. Steve Fair submitted March Receipts & Payments and Trust & Fines Account
summaries. There were no questions, reports were accepted.

b. Capitol Campaign Signatures: 4/15 Update: Steve noted that John is still working on a
final status report of accounts. Action by John Mapley

Meeting with John Mapley to receive Campaign books and records is pending. Lisa,
Faith and /or Lois will also attend the meeting. Action by Steve

2.4 Building Committee
a. Members: Trustees elected Barbara as new Chair and Xan as Vice Chair of Building
Committee. Peter White and Bruce Jennings will serve on the Committee.

b. Charge: Barbara prepared a draft charge which was unanimously approved by the
Trustees. (See attachment).

c. Survey Proposal: Barbara presented a proposal from Wayne McCutcheon of Claremont
for $3000. This was approved unanimously. (See attachment)

d. Site Design and Engineering Proposal: Barbara presented a proposal from SMP
Architecture with their civil engineer Blakeman Engineering. SMP contract will be
amended to include these additional services with an increase in fees of $17,600.
Amount was approved unanimously by Trustees. Amended contract will be brought to
Trustees when ready. Action by Barbara

e. Building Committee meetings: second Wednesday of each month. First meeting
tentatively May 14, pending status of survey and site engineering. Barbara will confirm.
Action by Barbara

2.5 Community Services:
a. 4/15 Pending: Rhonda reported a joint meeting with the Conservation Commission,
LSPA and Library is being discussed to promote green building technology, possibly
this summer. More to come.

c. Book Sale: July 12. Off-site book storage is now available.

d. Community Day Flyer: Rhonda reported that a Sunapee Day flyer has been prepared
for distribution about all the activities occurring July 12.

2.6 Long Range Plan and Mission Statement:
Trustee Conference in May will have sessions
about these. Barbara suggested that the new Long Range Plan include the following:
1. Precise time frame – 5 years?
2. Goal of being in the new facility before 5 years.
3. Goals to counter decline in adult and children usage seen since 2004-2005.
4. Goals for fundraising and grants
5. Goals for the collection and technology
6. Goals for programs and community outreach
7. Goals for staff
8. Goals for being green and sustainable.
9. Goals for volunteers
10. Goals for a facility maintenance plan (assessment and priorities)

Lisa B likes the idea that the long range plan have specific goals so that they can be
checked each year to gage progress.

2.7 Campaign Exploratory Committee: First meeting after next Friday’s presentation by Mario.
Lisa B will be Chair of the Committee. Lisa M will do minutes and a draft committee charge
will be written. Action by CE Com

2.8 Other Business: None
Meeting adjourned at 7:55
NEXT MEETING: 20 May 2008, 6:15 at the library.